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Aura Analysis with Aura Photograph

The Aura Analysis Session includes an Aura Photograph (Mobile)

  • 1 h
  • 77.77 US dollars
  • Customer's Place

Service Description

Every living organism is surrounded by an electromagnetic energy field which is known as your aura. This energy field vibrates at different frequencies and the colors that emanate from your aura indicate the state of your mind, body and soul. Every color has a different vibrational frequency and is associated with various chakras or energy centers in your body. The session begins by taking a picture of your aura, then I will analyze your energetic field based on the photograph. An Aura Analysis Session can help you to gain insight, clarity, and guidance about your soul’s journey and we will discuss ways that you can heal from past trauma, and the tools that can assist you in moving forward towards achieving your goals. I look forward to helping you in your healing journey.

Cancellation Policy

Please be aware of our 24-hour cancellation policy. Because it is difficult to fill a cancelled appointment without sufficient notice, appointments cancelled without 24 hours notice and missed appointments will be charged a fee of $25. If you need to cancel your appointment, please email at least 24 hours in advance.  I can be reached via email at Thank you!

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