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Reiki Healing & Chakra Balancing Session

90 minute Reiki Session with Chakra Balancing.

  • 1 h 30 min
  • 111.11 US dollars
  • Private location

Service Description

Reiki is a Japanese form of alternative medicine which involves using universal Life Force energy for healing. Reiki involves hands-on healing through which universal Reiki healing energy is channeled through the palms of the practitioner to the recipient to encourage emotional and physical healing. Reiki can also be performed remotely. Past emotional traumas, belief systems and habits that no longer serve one's highest good can all contribute to energy center/ chakra blockage which leads to imbalance in the mind, body, soul complex. Reiki helps to guide the body in its own natural and intuitive ability to heal itself. Reiki heals by flowing through the energy centers of the body, balancing them and charging them with positive healing energy. Reiki works by raising the vibratory level of the energy centers in and around the physical body, causing balance within. As the body heals itself, the recipient experiences deep relaxation, a feeling of well-being and transformation in physical health. The session will begin with a questionnaire to identify areas in which the recipient desires healing. After discussing concerns that the recipient would like to be addressed, I will perform a chakra scan to determine which areas need extra attention. Then we will begin the healing session. After the healing session, we will discuss the session and what to expect post-healing. Benefits of Reiki: During and after a Reiki healing session, recipients observe a deep feeling of relaxation. Here are some of the other benefits of receiving Reiki session: • Improved quality of sleep • Greater ability to relax • Effective pain management • Reduced side effects of medications • Ability to think more clearly • Support in addiction recovery • Enhanced self-esteem and increased self-love • Greater self-acceptance and self-awareness • Increased satisfaction in relationships • Greater sense of connection to one's body, mind and spirit • Increased energy and vitality • Release of grief, anxiety, depression and other negative emotions • Greater ability to feel present and grounded I look forward to helping you in your healing journey.

Cancellation Policy

Please be aware of our 24-hour cancellation policy. Because it is difficult to fill a cancelled appointment without sufficient notice, appointments cancelled without 24 hours notice and missed appointments will be charged a fee of $25. If you need to cancel your appointment, please email at least 24 hours in advance.  I can be reached via email at Thank you!

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